STIs Are On The Rise: What You Need To Know & How To Protect ... - SheerLuxe

"There are several reasons. Firstly, the steady incline in the number of divorces means that women are more confident in looking for a new partner. It's also possible this could be due to the fact that erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra, are now being sold over the counter, and HRT drugs are giving some women of menopausal age a new sex drive, consequently increasing sex amongst the 50+ age group." – Miss Adib
"The majority of sexual health campaigns still target a younger demographic, meaning older women are therefore less aware about their risks of getting an STI. During a medical consultation, older women are less likely to discuss STIs and sexual health with their GP, meaning they will assume incorrectly they are less sexually active and will avoid the topic as a result. A lot of it comes down to sex education, too. Compared to the current curriculum, there would have been less focus on sexual education when they were in school. Moreover, women over 50 are less likely to use a condom if there is no risk of pregnancy, although we know there's more to protection than preventing pregnancy." – Miss Julie Bowring, consultant gynaecologist at London Gynaecology
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