Common Skin Problems You Need To Look Out For - Glam

An itchy, flaky scalp is an annoying symptom of cold, dry weather. However, it turns out there are more serious cases of dandruff that could have an impact on your everyday routine. Seborrheic dermatitis is an eczema-related skin condition that affects the scalp, causing dry scales and inflamed patches that can leave you with an unbearably itchy head (via Mayo Clinic). These symptoms may also flare up when you're stressed, tired, have hormonal changes, or are exposed to environmental irritants.
When seborrheic dermatitis kicks in, you'll likely experience a very itchy scalp, crusty or oily scales, dandruff flakes, and possible dry patches on the eyebrows, ears, cheeks, and sides of the nose, according to the Mayo Clinic. These symptoms are uncomfortable and disruptive, which can cause you to change your plans and avoid social situations. However, there are steps you can take to relieve the symptoms and treat the condition from home.
The most common treatment for seborrheic dermatitis is medicated shampoo. There are a number of options on the market that contain different active ingredients (via NEA). For example, you may find that shampoos that contain zinc get rid of your dandruff flakes best. For others, shampoos made with tar or salicylic acid may be the only ones that do the trick. In any case, if over-the-counter shampoos don't work, it's time to talk to your doctor.
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