What is HPV Vaccine? Concerns And Potential Side Effects of This Infectious Virus - India.com
Home Health What is HPV Vaccine? Concerns And Potential Side Effects of This Infectious Virus Infections with HPV are frequently spread through sexual intercourse or other skin-to-skin contact. The HPV strains most likely to result in genital warts or cervical cancer can be prevented with vaccines. What is HPV Vaccine? Concerns And Potential Side Effects of This Infectious Virus What is HPV Vaccine? The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination is an antidote that protects against nine different forms of HPV infection. HPV is a virus that infects everyone and may cause cervix, mouth, throat, anus, and penis cancers, as well as genital warts. Did you know that there is presently no therapy or cure for HPV? Dr Thejaswini J, Consultant – Obstetrici