Sore Throat & STDs: Oral STIs Symptoms and Treatments - Verywell Health
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs, formerly called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs), are primarily spread through various types of sexual contact. In the United States, one in five people have an STI.
You can reduce your risk of contracting an STI by using a barrier method of protection, such as a condom, during each type of sexual encounter, which includes oral sex. Some STIs can be transmitted orally and cause a sore throat.
Read on to learn more about STIs that can affect the throat and mouth, and how to treat them.
Gonorrhea in the Throat and Mouth
Gonorrhea, also known as "the clap," is one of the most common STIs in the United States. Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, spread during sexual contact. Gonorrhea can affect the genitals as well as the mouth and throat.
Left untreated, gonorrhea can cause a host of serious complications including miscarriage, infertility, septic arthritis, and blindness.
Gonorrhea symptoms present differently in males and females. That said, gonorrhea sometimes causes no symptoms at all. This leaves many people from getting diagnosed and treated, which is why regular STI testing is so important.
For females, gonorrhea may cause:
For males, gonorrhea may cause:
- A greenish-yellow discharge from the penis
- Dysuria
- Testicular or scrotal pain and swelling
In general, those with symptomatic gonorrhea will start experiencing symptoms within 10 to 14 days of exposure.
Oral Transmission
Gonorrhea can be spread through oral sex performed on the genitals or anus of someone with gonorrhea. While oral gonorrhea often presents with no symptoms, it can cause:
- Sore throat
- Throat redness
- Fever
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Diagnosis and Treatment
Gonorrhea is diagnosed via a urine sample that is analyzed at a lab. It can also be diagnosed by swabbing a potentially infected area, such as the throat. If you are worried you may have been exposed to gonorrhea, talk to your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
Since gonorrhea is a bacterial infection, it is treated primarily with antibiotics, however, it has become resistant to most antibiotics. Reinfection is also common.
To address increasing antibiotic resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a single 500 mg intramuscular dose of ceftriaxone.
Chlamydia in the Throat and Mouth
As the most frequently reported STI in the United States, around 4 millions cases of chlamydia were recorded in 2018. Chlamydia is a STI caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis, and is most common among young people between the ages of 15 to 24.
The symptoms of chlamydia will be dependent on the part of the body infected. This can include the vagina, penis, rectum, or throat. However, many people infected with this particular STI experience no symptoms at all.
For those who do have a symptomatic case of chlamydia, frequent symptoms include:
- Vaginal discharge
- Penile discharge
- Dysuria
- Swelling of genitals
- Abdominal and pelvic pain
- Bleeding between periods or during intercourse
Oral Transmission
Oral chlamydia can cause a sore throat, and can include pus on the tonsils or pain while swallowing.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Chlamydia is diagnosed through a urine sample or throat, urine, cervical, and rectal swabs. These are the only ways to confirm infection.
If someone tests positive for chlamydia, treatment options include prescription medications. The most effective is 100 mg of doxycycline orally, twice a day, for seven days. This treatment approach is also used in cases of oral chlamydia. If someone is allergic to this medication or is pregnant, alternative treatments are available.
Syphilis on Tongue and in Throat
Syphilis is an STI caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis is spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected partner.
Syphilis symptoms are based on the stage of infection. There are four stages, each one with distinct signs.
- Stage 1: The first stage is known as primary syphilis and is marked by chancres (sores). This sore will appear on the point of sexual contact such as the cervix, vagina, penis, rectum, anus, or mouth. After exposure, it takes about 21 days for chancres to appear.
- Stage 2: If primary syphilis goes untreated, it will progress to stage 2, which is known as secondary syphilis. Stage 2 symptoms will usually appear between four and 10 weeks after the initial infection. The main symptoms of secondary syphilis include rash and hair loss. Other symptoms can include fever, sore throat, weight loss, headache, and more.
- Stage 3: Stage 3 is latent syphilis, which presents with little to no signs or symptoms.
- Stage 4: Stage 4, tertiary syphilis, is the most serious stage of infection. If someone progresses to stage 4, multiple organs may be impacted including the heart and kidneys. Stage 4 can be fatal.
Oral Transmission
Syphilis can be transmitted orally and affect the tongue and throat. The primary means of syphilis transmission include oral, anal, and vaginal sex, though the risk of transmission of an infected partner will depend on what stage they are in. If transmitted orally, a sore throat may be possible during stage 2.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Syphilis is diagnosed via an antibody blood test. If antibodies are detected, the main course of treatment for syphilis is penicillin, but other types of antibiotics can be used as well.
Oral Herpes in the Throat and Mouth
Herpes is an umbrella term to describe infections caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Herpes can appear orally or on the genitals. Where infection presents is dependent on the type of HSV involved.
HSV-1 is a strain of herpes that usually causes oral herpes or cold sores. HSV-1 can be spread through oral sex and cause sores on the genitals as well.
HSV-2 is another strain of herpes that commonly causes genital herpes. HSV-2 is primarily spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex, which causes herpes sores on the genitals.
Oral herpes symptoms include:
- Cold sores
- Itchiness surrounding the sores
- Pain while chewing, swallowing, or speaking
If herpes affects the throat, this is known as herpes esophagitis. This can be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, and lead to a sore throat.
Oral Transmission
HSV-1 can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, including during oral sex. Herpes is most contagious with open cold sores.
Diagnosis and treatment
Herpes can be diagnosed through blood tests as well as viral cultures. Self-checks can be performed as well if skin lesions are present. If you believe a cold sore could be the result of herpes, see a healthcare provider to get a confirmed diagnosis.
While herpes is not a curable STI it is treatable. The main goals of herpes treatment include:
- Symptom relief and management
- Lessen outbreak durations
- Prevent recurrences
- Lower risk of spread
Herpes is treated by:
- At-home remedies
- Pain relievers
- Antiviral medications
HPV in the Throat and Mouth
Human papillomavirus (HPV) are a group of more than 200 viruses that cause warts. Of these 200 viruses, 40 variants can be transmitted through sexual contact and affect someone's genitals, anus, mouth, or throat.
HPV is often an asymptomatic infection. However, HPV symptoms can include:
- Genital lumps or bumps
- Genital itchiness
- Warts
Oral Transmission
HPV can also impact the mouth. While this type of HPV is less common, it can still happen and cause warts in the mouth or throat. This may lead to sore throats.
Diagnosis and Treatment
HPV diagnosis involves detecting that HPV is present and determining which type is involved. It is important to diagnosis the specific type of HPV because 14 are strongly correlated with cancer.
Many cases of HPV resolve on their own. Currently, no treatment is available to cure HPV. Management strategies include monitoring for potential complications and resolving symptoms.
HIV and Oral Transmission
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV can be transmitted orally.
HIV symptoms will vary based on the phase of infection someone finds themselves in. There are three stages:
- Acute HIV: Acute HIV is the first stage of HIV infection. Symptoms mimic those seen in the flu such as fever, sore throat, headache, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, etc.
- Chronic HIV: During this stage, symptoms seen in the acute phase largely resolve. Chronic HIV is mostly without symptoms.
- Symptomatic HIV: The last stage of HIV is when the infection has progressed to AIDS. Symptoms during this stage are mostly related to opportunistic infections.
Oral Transmission
HIV can be transmitted orally but poses little risk in actually doing so.
Diagnosis and Treatment
HIV is diagnosed through a blood or saliva test. If HIV is detected, the main course of treatment is antiretroviral drugs. These medications work to prevent HIV from replicating by blocking a stage of the virus's life cycle.
When to See a Healthcare Provider
If you suspect you've been exposed to an STI, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible to set up a screening. Many STIs are treatable but still need to be addressed in order to lower the risk of any complications.
Sexually active adults should get screened regularly for chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and HPV. It is also recommended everyone ages 13 to 64 be tested at least once for HIV.
When it comes to STI testing, various methods are used including urine and blood tests. Swabs may also be performed, as well as a physical examination.
At-home STI kits are also available for those who feel uncomfortable going to a clinic or their healthcare provider.
There are various types of STIs that can cause a sore throat. The only way to know for sure if the sore throat you are experiencing is an STI is to get tested. Sexually active individuals should get tested regularly, especially before starting a relationship with a new partner or sleeping with someone new.
While STIs are nothing to be ashamed of, it is important to know if you have one to take charge of your sexual health and prevent spreading infection to others. Talk to your healthcare provider about getting tested and about any concerns you may have.
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