HPV At-Home Test - Healthline

HPV (human papillomavirus) is a common type of sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Certain strains of HPV can cause genital warts, cervical cancer, and other types of cancer. Early detection of HPV can help people avoid serious health outcomes. For that reason, testing is critical.

At-home HPV tests give people the ability to test often and easily. At-home testing is confidential, less intrusive, and may be less expensive than testing at a doctor's office.

At-home HPV tests have also been found to reduce the occurrence of cancer in people who live in underserved areas where getting to a medical facility may be challenging.

It's important to keep in mind, however, that at-home HPV tests have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

HPV is the most common type of STI in the United States. It's transmitted through sexual activity that includes intimate, skin-to-skin contact and genital contact.

There are approximately 150 different HPV strains. Of these, around 14 types are considered high risk. High-risk HPV strains include HPV 16 and 18.

High-risk forms of HPV can cause several types of cancer, including cancer of the cervix and penile cancer (cancer of the penis).

Low-risk strains of HPV can cause genital warts.

Getting tested often can help identify HPV infection early, which may also support early detection of cervical cancer and other cancers if they do develop.

At-home HPV tests typically use cervical or vaginal swabs to check for certain high-risk HPV strains, including the ones that cause cervical cancer. They work through a process called HPV genotyping. At-home HPV tests detect DNA from around 14 high-risk types of the virus.

At-home HPV tests are recommended for people with a vagina who are over 30 years old. Most commercial HPV tests require cervical or vaginal swabbing and can't be used by people with a penis. However, some tests use a urine sample instead of a cervical swab.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPV infections are usually cleared from the body within 2 years. HPV infections that are likely to resolve on their own are common in people under age 30. For that reason, at-home testing is not recommended for this age group.

However, if you are sexually active and have multiple partners, or have a partner who has HPV, talk with a doctor about testing.

At-home HPV testing is beneficial as an added precaution, but it doesn't take the place of Pap smears or regular gynecological exams.

The at-home HPV tests on this list use Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) College of American Pathologist (CAP) certified laboratories that meet federal standards for testing facilities.

They come from well-established, trusted manufacturers who use encryption technology and other safety protocols to ensure user privacy.

Each test has a significant number of positive reviews online, with few to no complaints.

Pricing guide

Some insurance plans may cover the cost of at-home HPV tests. Unless otherwise noted, the prices listed reflect out-of-pocket costs.

We've indicated cost as follows:

  • $ = under $50
  • $$ = $50–$75
  • $$$ = over $75

Best budget-priced at-home HPV test

Everlywell HPV Test – Female

Price: $

This budget-friendly HPV test can be purchased for one-time use or as a subscription that's delivered once every 3 months.

Your sample will be sent to a CLIA certified lab and tested for HPV 16, 18, and 45. These three strains are the ones most likely to cause cervical cancer.

Your results will be analyzed by an independent, board certified doctor who is licensed to practice within your state of residence.

Your results will be ready within several days of the lab receiving your kit. An easy-to-read report that breaks down each HPV marker will be securely sent to your device.

You can use your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) to pay for the Everlywell HPV test.

Best at-home HPV test for medical support

myLAB Box Home HPV Test Kit

Price: $$$

This at-home HPV test kit identifies DNA from HPV 16 and 18. It also tests for one or more of 12 additional high-risk types of HPV.

This test is mailed in discreet packaging to protect your privacy.

Your sample will be analyzed in a CLIA and CAP certified laboratory.

According to myLAB Box, your results will be ready within 2 to 5 days.

If your test results are positive for any HPV strain, you can request a free telephone consultation with a physician to discuss next steps. Your consultation and test results are confidential.

Best at-home HPV test for women and men

HPV High Risk With Genotyping-Genital at Home Test Kit

Price: $$$

This test detects infection with 14 HPV strains, including 16 and 18.

Unlike most tests that can only be done with a cervical or vaginal swab, this test can also be done with a urine sample. Your test will come with a vaginal swab or urine collection device.

If you are testing as a couple, purchase two tests.

Testing is done in a CLIA approved lab. Your results will be ready on a patient portal on the company's website 3 to 4 days after the lab gets your sample.

Best at home-HPV test for women under 30

NURX Home HPV Test Kit

Price: $$

This at-home HPV test looks for 14 high-risk strains of HPV, including HPV 16 and 18.

Many at-home HPV test manufacturers won't send their tests to people under 30 years old. This test is suggested for people ages 25 to 29, and is recommended for people ages 30 and up.

Most commercially available at-home HPV tests do not accept insurance. If you have an insurance plan that is in-network with Molecular Testing Labs, NURX will bill your insurance directly. You will still owe a $15 fee for the test, and may also have out-of-pocket costs to pay after your insurance has been billed.

A $15 medical consultation fee is required with purchase. All tests are followed up with a medical consultation. Your medical consultation fee also gives you unlimited messaging with NURX's medical team for 1 year.

Best subscription kit for ongoing at-home HPV testing

LetsGetChecked HPV Test

Price: $$$

This at-home test detects all 14 high-risk HPV strains for cervical cancer via a cervical swab.

It's available for a one-time purchase or as an ongoing subscription. By choosing the subscription rate, you will receive a new kit once every 3 months at a savings of 30 percent.

This test may not indicate which high-risk strains it has found.

After testing, you have 24/7 access to a nursing team to discuss your results and next steps.

Currently, results will take around 3 weeks or longer to get back to you. This is due to a worldwide shortage of an ingredient used for testing.

FSA and HSA are accepted.

At-home HPV tests look for up to 14 high-risk HPV strains.

If test results are negative, there is no active HPV infection.

If test results are positive, that means there is an active HPV infection.

Keep in mind that a positive test does not mean you have cancer. It means you have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer, including cervical cancer.

At this time, at-home HPV testing does not identify low-risk HPV strains, including the ones that cause genital warts.

At-home test kits are sent to many of the same labs that do testing for medical facilities. At-home HPV tests use CLIA certified laboratories. This helps assure that your test results are accurate and come from a lab that meets federal regulations and standards.

At-home HPV tests require registration with the laboratory before using. Registering your kit adds a layer of protection to your identity by supporting patient privacy compliance, plus ensures that you will receive the right test results.

After registering your kit, read the kit's instructions completely. These instructions will tell you how and when to test. Check the box to make sure you have everything that is supposed to come with the kit, too.

If you're using a cervical swab, you may have to wait several days after menstruating to use the kit.

Follow the instructions very carefully when acquiring your test sample. Incorrect self-testing could result in inaccurate results.

After getting your sample, mail it back to the company according to the instructions. Your sample will be tested in a certified lab and analyzed by a medical professional.

Your results will be communicated to you either via email or through a secured website or app.

The manufacturers of HPV tests typically indicate that their results are 99 percent accurate or greater. However, human error during testing that affects test results is possible.

Timing is also important. Some tests require you to send samples back on specific days. Mailing your sample on the wrong day might cause delays in shipping that result in diminishment of your sample's potency.

Some tests provide instructions about testing after menstruation and sexual activity. Not following these directions exactly may skew test results and give you either a false positive or false negative.

What happens when genital warts are left untreated?

If you have genital warts, see a healthcare professional. Prescription medication can treat genital warts. Treatment also reduces the chances of transmitting the virus that causes genital warts to others.

When genital warts remain untreated, they may go away on their own over time. But there's also a chance they may spread in number or get bigger.

What do I do if I have HPV?

There's no specific treatment for HPV. Most HPV infections clear up on their own without causing health problems.

If your test results are positive for a high-risk strain of HPV, it doesn't mean you have cervical cancer or any other type of cancer. It does, however, increase your risk. For that reason, having regular checkups that include Pap smears is important.

People with a penis who have anal sex should talk with a healthcare professional about their risk of anal cancer from HPV. Some healthcare professionals give anal Pap smears to people who have an increased risk.

At-home HPV tests are beneficial for uncovering HPV infection from high-risk strains, including the ones that cause cervical cancer.

At-home testing is confidential, less intrusive, and may be less expensive than testing in a doctor's office.

It's important to keep in mind that at-home HPV tests have not yet been approved by the FDA.


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