How To Spot Different STD Symptoms - Sequim Gazette

Pain while urinating or bumps near the genital area may be STD symptoms. Or perhaps you are just suffering from a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or some other bacterial infection. No matter the symptom, you may need to get yourself checked if the condition persists. Before that, you might want to know how to spot different STD symptoms. Without further ado, let's talk more about the different types of STDs and how their symptoms vary from each other.
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Among all other STDs, the most common ones are syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, genital herpes, and HIV. With sexual intercourse being the fastest way of catching an STD, you need to make sure that you and your partner are free of it. Even though you may be using protection, it's not the safest way of avoiding an STD transmission: an STD test is. With STD Testing Now, you will be in safe hands who will ensure your safety and privacy. Not only that, but you can opt to get tested at home, too.
So, what are the STD symptoms that you could catch? Let's find out.
Spread by sexual intercourse, syphilis is a bacterial infection that usually affects your skin membrane and genitals. In some cases, it may also go on to affect your heart and brain.
If you happen to contract syphilis, you will notice symptoms in three stages. Initially, you will notice a sore or bump around your genitals, lips, or rectum. Once the infection gets worse, you may experience symptoms like aching and soreness, fever, rashes on your body, and fatigue. Leaving it untreated will result in the third stage, where the bacteria begin spreading to internal organs and damaging them. This will result in dementia, paralysis, and numbness.
If a pregnant woman has syphilis, there is a high chance of her transmitting it to her unborn child. Referred to as congenital syphilis, this transmission will lead to physical disabilities or even the death of the child. Therefore, it is very pertinent that pregnant women get themselves treated for syphilis if they have contracted it.
When you have gonorrhea, your anus, eyes, throat, or mouth will be the parts of your body to show symptoms like sores. Usually, symptoms of gonorrhea show up within ten days. However, it may even take months for the symptoms to appear. Some of the most common signs that you may have transmitted gonorrhea are an itchy anus, swollen testicles, pain while urinating, and cloudy discharge from the vagina or penis.
Among all STDs, chlamydia is one such STD that is hard to detect. That's because, during its early stage, you may not notice any symptoms at all. Usually infecting the genital tract, this STD takes a maximum of three weeks to show its symptoms. Some of them include pain in the testicles, vaginal discharge, pain while having sex, pain in the lower abdomen, and pain while urinating.
When women contract HPV, they are at a high risk of being susceptible to cervical cancer. In other cases, it may also lead to genital warts. If you have HPV or genital warts, some of the most common signs you will notice include gray or red-colored swells in the genitals, bleeding while having sex, discomfort in the genitals, or clustered warts around the genitals.
- Genital Herpes
This is also another STD with symptoms so mild that you won't know you have it even if you catch it. Once you start noticing the symptoms, that's when it becomes more obvious. These episodes, as they are called, may continue to be recurring episodes for years.
You will notice the signs of genital herpes when you have small sores or blisters around your anal or genital area. Itching or pain around the inner thighs, buttocks, or genital area and pain while urinating are other symptoms. During the first episode, you may also experience symptoms like fever, headache, and muscle pain.
This virus weakens your body's immune system, causing you to fall ill. It may also lead to AIDS, a disease that is not curable but may be manageable. The worst part is that a person may not develop any signs when they are infected with HIV. If you have HIV, it may take up to six weeks for you to show the first sign of HIV, which is often the flu. In some cases, the signs may not show until after ten years. Therefore, it is very important that people who are sexually active must get tested for HIV, too, when they go for an STD test.
During the initial stages of HIV, some of the symptoms will be headache, fatigue, sore throat, fever, and rashes. Once it crosses this stage, it will cause symptoms like diarrhea, infection, cough, and swollen lymph nodes. If HIV crosses the late stage, the symptoms will be constant headaches, sweating at night, fever or chills for weeks, and constant fatigue.
So, these are some of the STD symptoms that can help you differentiate between different STDs. Since most STDs have similar symptoms, you may mistake one for the other in case you happen to contract it. And as mentioned, most infections take time to show any sign. So, if you are already infected, you are putting your partner's life at risk, too, without knowing it.
Therefore, it is very important to get yourself tested for STDs instead of waiting for the STD symptoms to show up. This way, you will be acting responsibly. By visiting the website, you will find a number of STD tests you can opt for, including the ten test panel kit. With the promptness and efficiency of their services, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. So, get rid of your fear and anxiety and make sure to get yourself tested for STD by visiting their local lab or opting for an STD test at home. You may also like reading this article as well.
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