
Showing posts from April, 2022

Can people use banana peels to treat warts? - Medical News Today

Banana peel is a common home remedy to remove warts. While there is anecdotal evidence that this treatment may work, there is currently no scientific proof of its effectiveness. People may tape banana peel over a wart and leave it on overnight to treat this virus. While there is no scientific evidence that banana peels can remove warts, bananas do have other health benefits, such as antimicrobial properties . This article discusses how to use banana peels for wart removal, their effectiveness, and other home remedies and medical treatments for warts. Warts are noncancerous growths that form on various parts of the body. Warts occur due to human papillomavirus (HPV) . People can contract HPV through skin-to-skin contact with people who have this virus. Currently, there is no scientific evidence that banana peel can treat warts. A 2016 study noted that there was no difference between the wart removal rates of banana peel and cryotherapy. The authors state that neither of these interventi

Donovanosis: Definition, causes, symptoms, treatment - Medical News Today

Donovanosis is an infection with the bacterium Klebsiella granulomatis. It affects the genital region, causing red, painless ulcers that bleed easily. People usually acquire the infection through sexual contact. Donovanosis describes an ulcerative condition, meaning that it results in breaks in the skin that do not heal naturally. Due to the appearance of these lesions, some people may refer to donovanosis as a "flesh-eating" infection. However, this is incorrect because the bacteria do not eat the flesh. An infection of K. granulomatis , previously known as Calymmatobacterium granulomatis , causes donovanosis. The infection, which some people may refer to as granuloma inguinale , is more common in tropical or subtropical areas. Donovanosis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI), with people often acquiring it through sexual activity that involves direct contact with sores. In this article, we discuss what donovanosis is, its symptoms, and how a person might acquire it. Ad

SkinCell Advanced Customer Reviews, Consumer Ratings, Before and After Results - -

Listen to this article "I HAD SKIN TAGS ALL OVER MY NECK AND MY SKIN WAS ROUGH ; A 48 YEARS OLD REVEALS THE PROBLEMS OF HER AGING SKIN AND HOW Skincell Advanced NATURAL SERUM HELPED HER RESTORE THE MOISTURE AND YOUTHFUL APPEAL! " Click here to visit official Skincell advanced website Adina John is a registered nurse who is frequently exposed to sunlight and pollutants during her working hours. Throughout her life, the 48 years old has dealt with a dry skin. But right after she hit her menopause, her problems related to skin became out of control. Adina John had been dealing with the problem of skin tags from a very young age Post menopause, the problem became worst along with blemishes and rough patches on her skin Due to her poor skin texture, she was afraid to step outside without her makeup She states that a natural serum-cum-moisturizer helped her get rid of tags and healed her skin For example, she developed dry patches encompassing her mouth are

4 of the best at-home gonorrhea tests - Medical News Today

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Here's our process. There is a range of home tests available to screen for gonorrhea. Some test kits involve self-collecting a sample at home, while others require a visit to a local lab to provide the sample. The companies that sell them offer a discreet service and often employ doctors to discuss results and treatments. Quick links Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause infections in the rectum, vagina, or throat. It can affect everyone and is very common in people aged 15–24 years. The disease spreads through anal, vaginal, or oral sex with a person who contracted the infection. While some males with gonorrhea do not have any symptoms, those who do may experience the following symptoms: Learn more about the symptoms of STIs in males. Most females do not have symptoms. If symptoms do appear, they are frequently mild . However

Acceptability, simplicity, and relevance of the new human papillomavirus/DNA test among 35-year-old ever-married women in a district of Sri Lanka: focus group discussions - BMC Women's Health - BioMed Central

Thirty-five years age cohort of ever-married women (n = 24) participated in the study. Most of the participants engaged in FGDs were Sinhalese (70.9%, n = 17), Buddhist (75%, n = 18),and Non-working (75%, n = 18).Out of the total participants, 20.8% (n = 5) had not completed years of school education beyond the 5th grade level and another 12.5% (n = 3) of the participants remained at the 6–11th grade level of education. The majority (62.5%, n = 15) were educated up to the level of Ordinary Level (O/L) passed education. Out of the participants, 20.8% (n = 5) were done Advanced Level (A/L) passed education. Some of the participants (16.7%, n = 4) were done a degree and above-passed education (Table 1). Table 1 Participants' profile of FGDs Full size table Following three FGD sessions, altogether six major themes were identified to express the acceptability, relevance, and simplicity of the new HPV/DNA screening test implementation and screen positive follow-up (Table 2). The results

Human papillomavirus vaccination at the national and provincial levels in China: a cost-effectiveness analysis using the PRIME model - BMC Public Health - BMC Public Health

Direct cost of HPV vaccines From the perspective of vaccine valence types, the cost of the domestic bivalent HPV vaccine was the lowest, and the cost of the imported 9-valent HPV vaccine was the highest. The avoidable cost of treatment was highest for the imported 9-valent HPV vaccine, with the cost of treatment being the same for the domestic bivalent, imported bivalent and imported quadrivalent HPV vaccines. This is because the three kinds of vaccines (domestic and imported bivalent and imported quadrivalent) are effective against the same HPV subtypes, and they prevent the same number of cervical cancer cases. In terms of the net cost of prevention and treatment of cervical cancer, the net cost of the domestic bivalent HPV vaccine was the lowest, followed by the imported bivalent, imported quadrivalent and imported 9-valent HPV vaccines. The net cost at the national and provincial levels are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Discounted cost of HPV vaccination for target population

How safe is sex in your area? See STI case numbers by Michigan region -

This map shows gonorrhea cases per 100,000 people in Michigan's health department jurisdictions in 2020, the most recent year data is available. For the interactive map, scroll down. Michigan's sexually transmitted infection rates have been increasing. Diagnoses of primary and secondary syphilis are up 25% in 2021 alone and rates have tripled since 2012. Gonorrhea rates have increased 75% since 2010 but decreased slightly in 2021, according to preliminary data released last week by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission.

HPV in men: Signs, transmissibility, cancer, vaccination - Insider

A man has a 91% chance of contracting HPV at some point in his life. HPV contributes to 63% of penile cancers, over 90% of anal cancers, and 70% of oropharynx cancers. There are no testing guidelines for HPV in men and the majority of people won't know they have it. Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice. HPV — human papilloma virus — is the most common sexually transmitted infection. A man has a 91% chance of contracting HPV at some point in his life. You can easily have HPV without knowing as it is often asymptomatic. In other cases, it can cause warts on the hands, feet, genitals, and elsewhere on your body. More than 90% of HPV infections will go away on their own within 6 months to two years. However, some strains of the virus can cause cancer. Here's what you need to know about HPV

Genital Warts: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & More - Healthline

Genital warts are transmitted through sexual activity, including oral, vaginal, and anal sex. You may not start to develop warts for several weeks or months after infection. Genital warts aren't always visible to the human eye. They may be very small and the color of the skin or slightly darker. The top of the growths may resemble a cauliflower and may feel smooth or slightly bumpy to the touch. They may occur as a cluster of warts, or just one wart. For people assigned male at birth, genital warts may appear in the following areas: For people assigned female at birth, these warts may appear: inside of the vagina or anus outside of the vagina or anus on the cervix Genital warts may also appear on the lips, mouth, tongue, or throat of a person who has had oral sexual contact with a person who has HPV. Even if you can't see genital warts, they may still cause symptoms, such as: If genital warts spread or become enlarged, the condition can be uncomfortable or even painful. About 9

5 Ways to Treat Genital Warts - What to Do If You Have Genital Warts - Men's Health

The doctor confirmed it: You have genital warts, thanks to a strain of the common STD called Human Papillomavirus (HPV). First, the good news: 90 percent of genital warts are caused by two strains of HPV, strains 6 and 11—which, outside of rare and unusual cases, are never linked to the cancers that other HPVs (such as strains 16 and 18) can cause. Genital warts are dead layers of skin being pushed up, says Anne Rompalo, M.D., a professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who studies sexually transmitted diseases. They can be flat or look bumpy (think: cauliflower) and can be itchy or uncomfortable. And while there's no known cure for HPV, there are treatments for genital warts. 1. Topical Treatments If you're the type of person who always remembers to take your medication, prescription take-home creams and gels that target genital warts are likely a good fit for you. Your doctor will probably prescribe one of three products: Podofilox, a solution you apply twi